
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seven Things About Me

 Seven things about myself:

1. I enjoy blogging. I have loved creating this blog and enjoy taking pictures and sharing them with my friends on here.  

2. I was born and raised in Illinois, but now live in Tennessee. I graduated from high school in 1985 in a small town in Illinois. I moved with my parents here to Tennessee in 1986 and have been here ever since.

3. I am a single Mom. I was married in 1989 and divorced in 2000. I tell people I was married for 10 years and it took another year to get the divorce, lol. Our daughter was born in 1997. I never intended to have a child and then raise her all by myself, but that is what happened and we are doing just fine. :)

4. I am a Substitute Teacher. I sub at the middle school and high school levels. I love interacting with the students and most of them like me too, so it is a mutual admiration. When we are out of school for the summer, I miss them.

5. I love Frugality. I was first introduced to the Tightwad Gazette in 1992. I was in Target and saw it on the bookshelf and didn't buy it! Can you believe that? It took a second trip to Target before I bought the book. I also subscribed to Amy D's newsletter and still have those original newsletters. Getting one of those in the mail used to be the highlight of my day.

6. I am a prize winning chef! I've received awards for my peanut butter cookies, peach preserves, and my pickled grape tomatoes.  I have two of them on my refrigerator and one of them tucked away in my recipe box. 

7. I raise chickens. We currently have 15 chickens in our back yard and I enjoy raising them. Sometime soon I will be doing a blog post on them, so stay tuned.


  1. Thank you for the kind words, Belinda!
    There are a few blogs I'm not familiar with on your list of nominees. I'll check them out soon.

    1. I put ones that I really like, so I hope you like them too, Lili. :) and you're welcome. :)


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