
Saturday, August 11, 2012

WFD Saturday? Tacos!

Saturday night dinner is Tacos, which is a family favorite around here. Pictured above is the plate I made for my Dad. I serve his on a paper plate, so he does not have to worry about returning any dishes to me. He likes to eat early and is within walking distance from our house, so once I fix his plate, my daughter will walk it over there to him and visit with him. Then later I can warm up the taco meat again later and fix our dinner. 

The tomatoes are fresh from the garden, cheese and onions were bought on sale last month, ground beef was bought on markdown and frozen until last night when I put it in the refrigerator to thaw. The tortillas and lettuce are fresh that I bought at Sam's club this week. 

I put cubed potatoes in my taco meat to stretch it even farther. Today I used the can of potatoes I bought last week at Bi-Lo in the Crash and Burn section. I've made tacos before and not added the potatoes, but then everyone asks where the potatoes are, so I make sure to add them all the time now. Here is a picture of the meat with the potatoes added in there:

By my calculations these Tacos cost approximately 50¢ each to prepare at home, which is cheaper than ordering out anywhere. Like I, and many other personal finance writers have said for years, it it will save you money to cook the majority of your meals at home. 

What's for dinner at your house today?

© Belinda Richardson and Frugal Workshop, 2012.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”


  1. Why go out for a burger when you can have steak at home. I love investing time into my home so that its a place where I want to cook and eat! It saves so much money to eat at home and the food is usually better! I love that you grew those gorgeous tomatoes! I have some in my yard too and Im eagerly awaiting them to ripen. Also, how nice that your dad lives so close by!


  2. Thank you, Nico. We love having my Dad so close by too. He is a terrific handy man too, and helps me with so many things around here. When we were gone on vacation this summer he replaced all the steps on our staircase going into the house! He is a blessing for sure. I wish you could smell the tomatoes. Nothing you can buy in the store can compare to a home grown tomato. :)

  3. I like the idea of adding potatoes. I will have to try that the next time tacos are on the menu.

    1. Hi Mary Lou,

      Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed your visit today. My Mom first put potatoes in the taco meat back when I was growing up. It is a good way to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your taco meat. :)

  4. We love tacos. The doctor has recently put me on a no to low sodium diet and I'm still trying to figure out how to cook things I used to

    Tonight we're having lemon peppered pork chops, squash and potatoes. Nothing too fancy.

    1. Shara, that sounds really good. We like lemon pepper chicken here, it must be really good on pork chops. It would be a challenge to start cooking in a different way than you are used too. I hope the transition is easy for you. :)

  5. Hi Belinda,
    You're such a thoughtful daughter to prepare meals for your father. I'm glad for you and your daughter that he lives so near.
    My mom made the best enchiladas. Her recipe calls for a grated potato added to the meat. And she got her recipe from a woman from Central America. So, there ya go, Your tacos with potato must be authentic!

    1. Neat, Lili! I like the idea of being authentic. :) And thank you for your sweet compliment. We love having my Dad near to us as it helps us to stay close to one another. :)


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