
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Grocery Store Run #1 for January

 I went to IGA for milk this morning after dropping off my daughter at school. They had chicken tenders on sale for $1.49 a pound, so I bought two packages. That was a good sale, and rather than freeze them, and go with a meal from my menu plan, I decided to cook them now while they were fresh and unfrozen. They are marinating right now, and I will cook them for dinner tonight. They also had boneless pork roasts on sale for $1.79 a pound. I went ahead and bought some carrots, and I'll put those in the Crock pot tomorrow morning along with some potatoes for Friday night dinner. I'm planning ahead here, as I was very tired again after work yesterday and realize that I am going to have to come up with a new plan. I'm thinking my Crock pot is going to become my new best friend. 

Here is what I bought:

Carrots - 2 pounds - $1.49
Pork Roast - $3.33
1/2 gallon skim milk - $1.79
2 packages chicken tenders - $1.39 and $1.67
1 package fried chicken from the deli markdown section - $3.49

Total: $13.16

© Belinda Richardson and Frugal Workshop, 2011.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”

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  1. Some nice buys! I totally agree, it is so tempting and easy to fall back into the "I'll just pick something up" routine. For those nights, plan ahead with crockpot meals, a real lifesaver! Also, I do "frozen asset" meals on those nights, heating up an assembled and fzn entree that's oven ready. Just add a side salad, done. A jar of spaghetti sauce and some pasta works, too. Fried egg sandwich . . you get the idea!

  2. It is so tempting to fall into that routine. I'm working really hard to do a better job though. I can remember when I was younger a friend of mine would cook a lot of the weekends and then just heat food up all week. I'm definitely going to be incorporating many of these ideas, yours included, in the weeks to come. :)


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