
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

McKay Used Books, CDs, Movies, and More.

We made a trip to Chattanooga today, and visited McKay Used Books in Chattanooga. McKay is one of our favorite places to visit and the reason why is because we can take any of our old books, cds, dvds, or video games and trade them for ones that are new to us. 

We took several books and movies with us today to trade and came back with the 4th season of 90210, two cds for dd, and a pile of books for my daughter's summer reading.

My favorite sections to visit are the cookbook section, and especially the budget cookbooks, where I can always find cookbooks from the 1970s, which are great to look for frugal recipes, and the financial book section. 

I've found many money saving books in that section over the years. We received $55.17 in trade credit today, and spent $55. 37 on our new items, so we paid .20 cents out of pocket. 

Sure can't beat a deal like that. :)


  1. Cool! I love your way of shopping!

  2. Thanks, Carol. We've gotten a lot of entertainment over the years from them.


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