
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lysol & Facebook coupon

If you hurry over to Lysol's Facebook page and "Like" them, you will be able to print off a coupon for $1.50 off a canister of Lysol wipes.

The coupon will let you print it twice. These will be around 40 cents at Walmart after using the coupon. Great deal!

Dollar General store has the Lysol wipes on sale 3 for $5.00, which makes them $1.67 each. I bought two of them and used my two coupons and paid 34 cents for both of them, which makes each one 17 cents. These normally sell for $2.50, so this was a great deal. 

I stopped in at a second Dollar General store today also, and I'm glad I did. I had two coupons for Lysol Wipes for $1.00 off two, so I went ahead and bought 4 more, and paid $1.17 each for those. Still a good deal since these normally sell for $2.50. I'm going to add a couple of them to my back to school stash, and I want to thank Carol for that suggestion. 

DG also has Palmolive dish soap on sale for 85 cents. There were 50 cent off coupons in the Sunday paper, so I picked up two of those for 35 cents each. The Lysol cleaner was also on sale 3 for $5.00, and I had coupons and paid $1.17 each for those as well. 

The reason I was glad I went to the second Dollar General was because they had their winter hats, gloves, scarves, and cozy socks on clearance for 25 cents each. These will replenish our stash of gloves we seem to lose every year and I have plenty to give as gifts as well. I ended up getting $67.00 worth of merchandise and paid $6.00 for all of it. Love getting a bargain. :)


  1. That would be a good stock up now for the upcoming back to school supply lists come August. Luckily, my kids are older and the "list" is limited to school supplies such as paper, pens, etc

  2. I was thinking that too, Carol. My dd is in middle school and they still request these at least for now. Great idea, thanks!

  3. Good find on the Winter wear. Around here, many charities come December will be asking for new hats/gloves for the poor/homeless. Great way to meet this growing need, while not blowing the household budget. WTG!

  4. Thanks Carol. I will have to remember that as i have plenty to share with others. :)


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