
Friday, October 4, 2024

First Frugal Friday of October 2024

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

Things I did this week to save money:

- Did not use the dryer and hung my clothes up to dry instead. 
- Thawed a container of soup from the freezer for lunch two days.
- No heat or air conditioner needed this week. 
- Washed stored blankets & added to my bed for warmth on these cooler nights. 
- Ate leftovers. 
- I sold one item on eBay for $75, which was a wooden cutting bowl. Bailey sold an item for $200 this week!

Other things I did include pulling up the old carpeting in the hallway by our back door as it was time. We recently found a brand new box of floor tiles second hand, which we will put there instead. 

On Tuesday I went to town to take advantage of some free groceries one of the colleges was giving away. Afterwards I went to Kroger to get in on the last day of their sales. I picked up the 32 ounce blocks of cheese for $4.99, grapes for 99 cents a pound, pasta for 99 cents a pound, and eggs for $1.99 for the 18 count. 

In Kroger's Crash & Burn section I found granola bars marked down to $1.05 for a box of six bars, which makes them 18 cents each, which is a good price. I also found this half gallon of milk for $1.21.

I browsed through the meat aisle to check on any markdowns and did find a pork loin chop for $1.56. I looked at the beef, but declined all of it due to the price. 

I perused the grocery store sale ads on Wednesday and wrote down a few good deals, but as usual, am surprised at how expensive some things are now. 


The October issue of Southern living came free this week. 

Order four free Covid Tests. 

1952 Homemade Mixes - The cornbread mix looks interesting. 

Essentials of Home Production & Storage

Photo of the Week

Three of our sweet kitties enjoying the cat tower we moved to a window seat. Maisy is on top, Archie on the second, and Scrappy on the bottom. 

Saving Money on Entertainment

This week I've been watching The Conners on Tubi for free. The storyline where Roseanne & Jackie's Mom Beverly starts to get dementia is a well written storyline. At times we see her being her usual self, and then we see her telling Jackie to tell Roseanne to come see her and Jackie realizes her Mom doesn't remember that Roseanne died. It's a really good storyline. 

What I've been Reading This Week

Bailey picked up The Blue Zones American Kitchen for me at the library when she went to book club on Saturday. 

How has your week been?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living Life in Rural Tennessee Within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. It's been a pretty week. Today was great with the Greek Festival. Those were really good prices at Kroger's. I wish I lived nearer to K.

    1. I wish we lived closer to Kroger. We don’t go as often due to distance, but I do like shopping there. I’m glad you had a good time at the Greek festival.

  2. Sounds like a great week of savings!
    I took advantage of those Kroger deals last week too. This week's Kroger digital deals weren't as good. I may cherry pick a few things at Food City and Food Lion.
    Love the picture of your kitties! How neat that all three of them posed for you.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I was thinking the Kroger sales were not as good this week too. I did write down some deals from both Food City and Food Lion. The onions at Food Lion are cheaper than the ones from Walmart, so I may go in there and get some. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Your kitties are adorable!!! Great going on selling things. I do love the digital sales at Kroger.
    Have a super weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Those Kroger sales are just the best!

  4. (Little Penpen) congrats! On the great eBay sales! I used to sell a little there, which was fun, but I never made a fortune. My biggest problem was when I would sell, I’d also start buying. Lol

    1. Thank you, Penny, Yes, I used to look on eBay more than I do now, because you can find some of the best stuff there. LOL

  5. I love the kitties right by the window. So cute!
    I ordered the covid tests too -so expensive if you have to buy one. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks, Vickie. Those Covid tests are expensive if you have to buy one. Sticker Shock!

  6. ohhhhhh I have requested that cookbook from the library. THANK YOU! I had no idea it existed.

    It will go well with the books I've been reading on healthy aging. :-) Did you like the one you picked up?

    1. Oh my gosh, I have loved reading these books. I can sit and ride my stationary bicycle and read to my hearts content. LOL

  7. You and Bailey are doing great on eBay. We are having some luck selling some NASCAR stuff on FB Marketplace. I ordered the free COVID tests too and just got them yesterday. I knew they were going to have an expired use by date. There is a postcard type thing that comes in the package with a website that you can go to and look up the specific tests you got and when the extended expiration dates will be. Mine will expire this December. I guess you can't complain about something that you get for free but it seems like the government didn't want to have to throw them away themselves, they wanted to have us throw them away. Oh well. I also got the Cheese and grapes at Krogers last week. I don't see much in this weeks ad. Have a great weekend!

    1. You are the second person to say that about his week's Kroger ad and I felt the same way. Maybe next week will be better. I find it very thrifty that the US government wants us to use the expired tests. LOL

  8. Those are awesome Ebay sales! You had a great savings week. I also picked up grapes & eggs at Kroger. I paid $3.77/doz eggs at Walmart a few weeks ago. That was painful. I'm cherry picking at most stores lately, because I can't keep up with the ever increasing grocery prices. Hope you & Bailey have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! I have been cherry picking too. In fact, I went today with my list of sale items and there were several things I just did not buy due to the cost. It's a jungle out there. LOL

  9. You did very well on your sales and also got great savings on your shopping. Love the kitty picture, they all looks so very comfortable.

    God bless.


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