
Friday, June 28, 2024

Fourth Frugal Friday June 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! I hope you are doing well today and stay safe from the heat, 

My Frugal Week

I completed a survey and earned a $20 Amazon gift card this week. 

On Friday our garbage man came and picked up some styrofoam sheets Dad put  in the yard between two trees years ago. I'm not sure what he intended to do with them, but they are falling apart now and it's past time to get rid of them. He unearthed a snake when he was removing it. 

I received another $25 gift card for Walmart from my insurance company for getting my routine tests done this year. I'm sure I will spend it on groceries. 

On Monday evening I was the designated driver for Bailey to attend one of her book clubs on the North Shore in Chattanooga. I went to Whole Foods and looked around and then did some reading of my own while I waited. I did pick me up some delicious salted dark chocolate cashews (yum!) at Whole Foods. 

I earned a $5 Visa card for taking a survey offered by my bank. 


This reusable shopping bag was a freebie that was going around on Facebook from The Navigators for the last few weeks. Mine came in the mail on Saturday. 

That is all the news to report from here this week. I had an errand to run on Monday, but other than that have stayed home. My trunk pump has been approved by my Insurance and is supposed to come via Fedex today, so I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival today. 

What are your plans for the weekend?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Lots of nice freebies girl! Those are the kind to get - free money!

  2. Amazon gift cards are always useful. I too converted the points accumulated in my health insurance account to two Amazon gift cards this month.

    1. I agree about the Amazon gift cards being useful, I usually always pick those as an award since we have free shipping with Prime. Kudos to you for converting your points into gift cards too, Nil.

  3. Lots of great gift cards and such a nice freebie. Me well I did do some surveys for points and will eventually cash them in for gift cards closer to Christmas to use as gifts for the DS's.

    God bless.

    1. That is a great ide to use the survey points for gift cards for Christmas, Jackie. It never fails to plan ahead.

  4. Belinda, please don't be offended by this comment but I didn't know what a trunk pump was, so I Googled it. I was so confused because what came up was a bunch of trunk pumps for vehicles and I couldn't figure out how you would use that. Then I Googled Trunk Pump for a human and I figured it out. Wow, I was really concerned for a few minutes! Anyway, hope it helps you feel better!

    1. I'm not offended at the least, Bobbi. I should have been more specific. I have Lymphedema in my core/trunk and legs, so the leg pumps I have been doing since March, but the trunk pump was just approved and came yesterday. I've been watching the videos on how to use it. I'm hoping it will help me lose the lymph fluid that has accumulated and help me even further with my weight loss. :)

    2. I'm so proud of you for your weight loss! I hope the progress continues. I know you are going to the gym. Are you eating differently?

    3. Thank you, Bobbi. We are definitely eating differently. I do best losing weight when I go low carb, so no bread, pasta, or rice for me right now. I've also been riding my stationary bike for an hour each day.

  5. I never get free amazon cards anymore. You did well.

  6. (Little Penpen) great going on the gift cards!!!

  7. Yay on the gift cards! Sounds like a good week!
    I'm glad that insurance approved the pump, and I hope that it helps. Hope you have a great week!
    My son had surgery last week. He is starting to feel better, and today is his birthday.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I'm so glad your son is feeling better after his surgery., Happy Birthday to him. :)


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