
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Update

Hello to all my friends! 

We've been gone this week to a concert & thrifting trip in Atlanta since Wednesday. The storms came through here Wednesday evening around 6 pm and so I am trying to determine how long our power was off. 

According to our electric company's Smart Hub, it was off starting sometime on Wednesday, all day on Thursday, and part of Friday, but I don't know for how long.

I'm trying to figure out if I need to throw food away or not. I sent a text to my neighbor who works for the electric company to ask his opinion and I'm waiting to hear back. 

Here is a photo of a set of rainbow bowls that I picked up this week. These are melamine bowls, which I love, as they are not too heavy to use. 

It was so funny, I originally found the set with three bowls and as I continued shopping the kitchen section (my favorite place in any thrift store), I found two other bowls both in different spots. It was like a treasure hunt. 

I'll share various pictures throughout the week as I update you all on what's been happening here this week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Hi Belinda,
    I use this website to determine food safety after a power outage. I have gone thru this many times and although it bothers me to throw stuff away, better safe than a trip to the ER.
    Take care and Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Thank you so much, Barb. I will definitely be checking out this website.

    2. What a great resource, Barb. Thank you so much! This definitely helps me out. :)

  2. Those next ng bowls are really nice. I like bowls too that aren't so heavy. I miss the set of three, though glass, my mom had given me at a wedding shower. One by one they broke over 30 years.

    1. Oh no Sam! I've had several glass bowls break over the years too, but like you, I really liked them.

  3. Nice bowls. I hope you don't loose too much food from the power outage and at least you weren't home to suffer through that.

    1. Ha Ha! That is what Bailey and I both said! LOL
      Thanks, Sluggy.

  4. Thanks for the update! Hope you had a wonderful time in Atlanta! I love the bowls, and how neat that you found a complete set.
    Sorry about the storms and power outage. Hope you haven't lost too much food.
    I put a cup of water in my freezer, and once it is frozen, I lay a penny on top. If the power goes out long enough for the water to melt and the penny sinks to the bottom, I know I have to throw the food away.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy. We had a great time! That is a great suggestion about the frozen water. We need to do that here as we lose power so often for days at a time. I hope you have a great weekend too. :)

  5. Lovely bowls. You got a great find there. Sounds as if you might be tossing some food, I hope not too much though.

    God bless.

  6. I love it when things come together like finding the bowls scattered about. Don't take a chance with the food. It is not worth it. If you have a tighly packed freezer, some of it might be okay. Just toss it. Find someone with dogs or chickens.

    1. I love that too. That is a great idea to find someone with pets that can use the food.


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